Elsevier Uc Agreement

Elsevier Uc Agreement

On June 8, 2021, the University of California (UC) announced its new agreement with Elsevier, one of the world`s largest academic publishers. The agreement is a five-year deal that aims to provide UC researchers with access to Elsevier`s vast collection of scholarly articles, while also promoting open access to research.

The Elsevier UC agreement is a significant step forward for open access publishing. The deal includes an immediate 25% reduction in prices for UC researchers and students, with additional reductions planned throughout the agreement`s duration. This move further strengthens the UC`s commitment to making scientific research available to anyone who wants to read it, regardless of their affiliation with an educational institution.

Under the agreement, UC authors will also be granted the right to publish their articles as open access for no additional cost. This means that anyone, anywhere in the world, will be able to read the research that UC produces. The move towards open access publishing is a crucial step towards democratizing access to knowledge, which has been historically limited to those who can afford to pay high fees for academic journals.

The Elsevier UC agreement is a great win for both sides. Elsevier gains access to an extensive network of researchers from one of the country`s top public research universities, while UC researchers will have access to Elsevier`s vast collection of scholarly articles. In addition, this deal also includes a commitment from Elsevier to collaborate with the UC on developing new open access publishing models.

This cooperation between a leading academic publisher and a major university system serves as a model for how publishers and universities can work together to advance open access. As more institutions follow the UC`s lead and push for open access publishing, scholarly research will become more accessible to people around the world.

In conclusion, the Elsevier UC agreement is a promising development in the push for open access publishing. Through this agreement, UC researchers will have increased access to Elsevier`s extensive collection of scholarly articles, while also being able to publish their work as open access without additional fees. This collaboration between Elsevier and the UC sets a positive example for future partnerships between publishers and universities, furthering the goal of making scholarly research available to everyone.

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